Entries in Subway Bathrooms (1)


Blooper Reel

Saturday is here and time to roll out the old Blooper Reel of photos I took through the week, but didin’t have room to post. Have a great Saturday and we’ll see you tomorrow for Cheeseburger Saturday Night, from Newark, New Jersey no less!

Looks like Matt Lauer is moonlighting these days. Must've had to take a pay cut at the Today Show. Times are tough all over!

Those are sure low prices for kids, but as tempting as it is, I think I'll pass. They always turn into teens and then you really pay the price.

Didn't they hear I stopped doing MAD?


Last week when I did my "Dueling Bathrooms" post, someone commented that subway bathrooms are the worst toilets in town. I commented back that I had never been in a subway bathroom, but later that day when I went to Economy Candy, I got off at Delancey Street and...

Baboom! I ran right into a men's room at the station, so I thought I'd check it out.

Not the cleanest in the world, but definitely a step up from the public library.

The toilets a little dirty and there's the mandatory stale urine floating in it, but still, not as bad as the library toilet.

However, if you need to sit down to do your business, you're in trouble. Stranded, branded, stranded on a toilet bowl...what do you do when you're stranded...and you can't find a roll?

When I went to the Impossible Project Space last week, there was a Photobooth and I can never resist a Photobooth, but I didn't have room to post it in that post.

So here it is now. I feel old because it used to be "Four for a Quarter" at these things and now it's "Four for Four Bucks."


Surprise link, click on it...I dare you!
Bonus Links For Mykola Mick Dementiuk’s New Book

Author and TWM commenter Mykola Mick Dementiuk has a new book out and you can check it out and purchase it at the Barnes & Noble website here: Times Square Queer. And you can read more about it over at Mick’s blog: Masturbating at the Movies.


Bonus Photobooth Linkage!

If you're a Photobooth fan (and who isn't) go check out Gidget's photos at her blog via today's post: Flashback Friday.