Entries in Joan Jett (1)


Another Stupid Announcement From Me

 Okay, I've got bad news and some more news about the posting here at TMW First off, the freelance job didn't work out, the commute was too long and there's other factors I'm not going to get in to here. As I've always said, I don't blog about my job here. So that didn't work out, which means I have to get serious about looking for a job, which means I can't be updating this blog everyday. But I don't want to totally stop the blog while I search for a job, so I've decided to post updates, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Tuesday through Thursday there probably won't be anything. I figured four days a week are better than none and again, I appreciate everyone's loyalty and nice comments. Now I'm going to relax and try and get rid of this sinus headache that is making me feel like I'm bleeding from the eyeballs. We'll see you next Friday! Thanks for being patient with me and this blog! Oh and if you're wondering why there's a picture of Joan Jett up there, I figured that if she Google's herself (and who doesn't?) maybe this will come up and she'll give me job, hey you never know!